This is a public elementary school located at Barangay Talamban, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines.
'Way back in the pre-war days, Talamban Elementary School has already been existing. Based on the information handed down by the ancestors of the present generation, the first school was handled by the late Manuel Aliño in the old ancestral home of this prominent family. The students were very few and their main focus of education was only reading and writing wherein their method used was the "Cartilla" method. There were no books available, and it is only thru the initiative of the teacher that reading and writing was made possible. People on those days were not so academically conscious that a majority of the whole population were illiterate. Barangay Talamban was scarcely populated on those days and the US military governs the barangay including the elementary schools. Although war was in its height, yet, the clamor for education by the people in Talamban was made possible when peace time came in 1946 the first four buildings were constructed. The people who graduated from the Grade VI during the American regime were hired as teachers for they were academically qualified. Thus the first teachers were Mrs. Benita Tudtud and Mr. Martin Tudtud, her husband. Parents sent their children to school with a vision of making them literate and well-rounded people. Thus the enrolment grew and grew as the years go by. The school finally became a complete elementary school. Many residents who have the ambition to become teachers finally graduated from the Cebu Normal School. Thus, they were hired. The first teachers were: Mrs. Benita Tudtud handling Grade I, Mrs. Amada Bontuyan, Grade II, Mrs. Anatolia Tudtud, Grade III, Mr. Eduardo Mercado, Grade IV, Mrs. Nicanora Borbajo, Grade V and Mrs. Leonarda Midel, Grade VI.