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Insite MY
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Insite MY Innovations Sdn Bhd (InsiteMY) is a leader in innovative software solutions for the Malaysian financial services industry. Our applications are used in major Malaysian and foreign banks, as well as banks in Bangladesh and Phillipines. We strive to research and develop innovative products and services for the banking and financial services industry that assists in reducing cost, streamline operating processes, manage risk, ensure compliance to regulatory requirements, and enhance client servicing, all the while providing for enhanced systems security and data integrity.

Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, InsiteMY currently services over 15 local, international, conventional and islamic banks. With a strong track record in these banks, InsiteMY aims to spread its wings and by exploring opportunities in the Financial Services Sector such as in Insurance, Investment Banking and others.
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7 Actionable Tips to Get Noticed on LinkedIn

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