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Lhoopa Incorporated is a registered company under in the Philippines under securities and exchange commission in accordance with the corporation code of the Philippines.

The company started it its initial operations August 2014 and in 3 months  it was able to grow its listing from scratch to over 9,000 listings, and to date the company offers wide array of services to cater all types of partners and buyers from raw lot, development, secondary market let, rentals and basically anything that is related to real estate. Customizing each and everything for specific needs of its partners and clients.

Its all started with the humble beginnings and a vision of its founders to be the best partner of every broker and agent in the country and be the trusted seller of property owners, developers, contractors, property management, banks and others, bridging the gap between online and offline real estate market due to the increasing internet penetration in the Philippines,  also be the most innovative brokerage by doing both online and offline marketing to help each and every Filipino find their right home and to give corporate investors the best possible property investment.

The company also embraced the technological innovation in the country by launching its own website that is both available in desktop and mobile version and currently developing their own application for accredited real estate agents.

The company would also launch their Accredited agents, Brokers and Developers localized per city website to further showcase their listings.

The company are also using social media to expand our network.

Combining online technology with the traditional real estate marketing it gives the company an edge both in the local and international market. Unlike any other brokerage firm.
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