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Nagoya Plastic Industry Sdn. Bhd. incorporated on 24th August 1991 in a rented premises in Mak Mandin, has seen grow and currently occupying manufacturing plant in Lunas, Kulim.

Apart from the company’s core business that is plastic injection moulding, ranging from clamping force capacity of 40 tons to 650 tons, it also covers wide range of services including mould design, tool fabrication, spray painting, hot foil stamping, silk-screening, tampo printing, heat stacking, induction, ultrasonic welding, laser cut and sub-assemblies. Its experienced team as well as its facilities and resources has earned itself a reputable record with Multi National Corporations (MNC’s) in the Medical, Aerospace, Audio, Electronics and Electrical , Computer, Automotive, telecomunication and other related industries.
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