Lead Mobile Developer

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Confianz Global, Inc.

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Job Description

Position: Lead Mobile App Developer

Experience:  5 to 7+Years 

Work Location: Trivandrum 

Qualification: B Tech / MCA 

Skills: React Native / Kotlin/Java / Swift with native iOS SDK/Android SDK/Flutter

Required Technical Competency & Qualifications

Technical Skills and Responsibilities:
  1. Mobile App Development: Hands-on experience building and maintaining mobile apps using React Native and Flutter.
  2. Programming Languages: Proficiency in Kotlin/Java (Android), Swift (iOS), and other native SDKs (iOS and Android).
  3. State Management: In-depth knowledge of BLoC, Redux, or equivalent state management libraries.
  4. Database Management: Experience with local databases like Realm, SQLite, and cloud-based solutions like Firebase.
  5. Architectural Patterns: Familiarity with various architectural patterns and best practices in mobile development.
  6. REST APIs: Experience integrating mobile applications with REST APIs.
  7. UI Development: Ability to translate UI/UX designs into pixel-perfect mobile app interfaces.
  8. App Deployment: Expertise in managing and deploying apps on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
  9. Full Project Lifecycle: Proven experience driving mobile app projects from ideation through development to deployment.
  10. Experience in ISMS, conducting software audits, and managing process and project metrics is essential.

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