Computer Vision Engineer

Rapsodo Sports (Rapsodo, Inc.) logo

Rapsodo Sports (Rapsodo, Inc.)

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Job Summary

S$5,000 - S$8,500 / Monthly

Job Type


Years of Experience
At least 2 years

Tech Stacks
Python C OpenCV Analytics API C++

Job Description

Rapsodo is a Sports Technology company with offices in the USA, Singapore, Turkey & Japan. We develop sports analytics products that are data-driven, portable, and easy to use to empower athletes at all skill levels to analyze and improve their performance. From Major League Baseball star pitchers to Golf tour players, athletes use Rapsodo technology to up their game across the world. Trusted by coaches and players from youths to professionals, Rapsodo provides real-time insights for all-time performance.

We are innovative, focused, and rapidly growing. We are continuously looking for very driven team players who will stop at nothing to deliver state-of-the-art solutions as part of Team Rapsodo.

Job Description:

Our algorithm team designs, develops and implements state of the art computer vision solutions to address needs of complex Rapsodo products. As a Computer Vision Engineer, you will be part of a world-class, skilled engineering team developing state of the art measurement solutions which help athletes reach their full potential. This role requires a highly versatile skill set and you will have opportunities to contribute in all relevant domains. Your responsibilities will include the development of new products and enhancing existing products.


  • Masters or PhD in Computer Science or related fields with specialization in Computer Vision, and Image Processing
  • Minimum 2-5 years of relevant working experience
  • Strong knowledge and hands-on experience in 3D Vision, Camera Calibration, Image Classification, Segmentation and Feature Extraction
  • Strong knowledge in Linear Algebra, Numerical Optimization, Probability and Statistics
  • Hands-on experience with OpenCV
  • Excellent C/C++ programming skills with some Python experience
  • Experience with software architecture and/or API design, complemented by robust integration skills
  • The ability to communicate technical information clearly and succinctly to both technical and non-technical team members

Interview Questions of Computer Vision Engineer at Rapsodo Sports (Rapsodo, Inc.)

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