DevOps Engineer

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Job Summary

S$7,500 - S$8,000 / Monthly

Job Type


Years of Experience
At least 6 years

Tech Stacks
Ansible Bitbucket Openshift Linux Bamboo SonarQube Nexus ELK Dynatrace Tanzu AquaSec Docker Strategy Blackduck

Job Description

Role: Contract (1 year, Renewable)

Experience: 6-10 yrs


  • Understand Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CICD) concepts and principles.
  • Implement a CICD Pipeline using the required DevOps tools as defined in the CICD architecture and adhering to CICD principles.
  • Design and implement each of the DevOps, DevSecOps & DevTestOps tools based on best practices.
  • Work with project teams to on board their project onto the DevOps pipeline.
  • Implement automation of development and operations for digital projects.
  • Support the DevOps pipeline and the relevant tools.
  • Support and maintain the relevant tools. Example of activities includes are: product patching, issue troubleshooting, ensure service availability.

Our Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. (i.e. IT, Computer Science or Software Engineering)
  • At least 6-10 years of relevant experience.
  • Able to design, implement, use and integrate tools such as Bitbucket, Bamboo, Nexus, Ansible etc with consideration of the security controls required to deliver the CICD Pipeline.
  • Experience with DevSecOps Tools such as SonarQube, Blackduck, AquaSec, Coverity etc.
  • Familiar with Linux and Windows operating systems
  • Experience with monitoring and logging tools such as DynaTrace, ELK etc.
  • Familiarity with Containers technologies such as Openshift, Tanzu, Docker is a plus.
  • Strong understanding of best practices in using the DevOps Tools. Eg, Branching strategy, Artefact Management etc.
  • Good oral and written communication skills.
  • Must be proactive, resourceful and self-motivated with strong analytical skills.
  • Good interpersonal, written and communication skills.

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