* 根據規格獨立開發新功能與除錯
* 跨部門協作及溝通 (PM, Design)
* 產品效能提升
* 內部程式碼審核
## Required skills
* Web: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Redux
* 以下技術任挑五項以上
* Server-side render: react-router, express server, NextJS App router
* Performance: critical rendering path, event loop, interaction to next paint (INP), intersection observer
* Persist: Cookie, localStorage, IndexedDB
* Cache: CDN cache, server side fetch cache, redis, cache-control header, service worker fetch cache
* WebApp: PWA, service worker, push notification, i18n
* SEO: og headers, canonical headers, ld+json, sitemap/robot.txt
## Optional skills
* Others: webpack, socket.io, tween.js, PixiJS, Apple/Google/Samsung Pay, Web ASM
* Players: video.js, DASH.js, shaka-player, bitmovin, ...
* CI/CD: GitHub action/workflow, Dockerfile, pm2
* 個性主動積極,樂於研究新知並分享
* 有帶過新手或領導小專案的經驗
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