Product Manager

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Total eBiz Solutions

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Job Summary

S$8,000 - S$9,500 / Monthly

Job Type


Years of Experience
At least 5 years

Tech Stacks

Job Description

What to expect You will be expected to independently engage agencies to drive adoption and a successful use of our product. This would include e.g.: ● Understanding in-depth how to use / configure / work with our product ● Assisting in the development and execution of marketing/outreach campaigns to build awareness of our product ● Runworkshops, events, webinars etc. to deepen understanding and desire for our products, and to identify potential leads / customers ● Acting on leads to understand customers’ needs and to advise them on how our product can address these needs, with an aim for conversion ● Planning for and helping to develop / maintain resources for agencies to learn how to use our software in a self-help fashion with an aim to scale sustainably ● Driving customer success, by providing advice to existing users on how they can best use the product (or new features) to meet their needs ● Collating user feedback (both prospective and current users) and working closely with the product team to shape its roadmap and go-to-market strategy Howtosucceed: ● Minimum of 5 years’ experience in a business development role, account manager role, client engagement manager role, or related roles involving direct engagements with potential clients for software products or services. ● Confident in public speaking and ability to independently run workshops, clinics and webinars, and broad-based engagement activities ● Confident in engaging and cultivating relationships with clients to drive adoption and customer success ● Proficient in English (verbal & written); excellent communication and interpersonal skills ● Biasforaction; willingness to learn quickly, adapt, and proactively solve problems ● Ability to thrive in an a high-pace and ambiguous / agile environment ● Experience in engagement management for public service products will be a plus ● Experience in customer relationship management (CRM) or case management systems (CMS) will be a plus ● Experience in digital marketing, events planning will be a plus ● Experience in copywriting and graphics design will be a plus

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