Junior Python Tester

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Tech Stacks
Python JavaScript Angular API Web Api AngularJS

Job Description

Junior Python Tester

Location: Beitou

Job Description:

- Running existing automation scripts, analyze automation failures and submit bugs, re-test execution of failures.

- Able to fix code changes in existing automation.

- Bug submission for functional, regression and black box testing with good analytical skills/product failure triaging skills

- Programming knowledge/experience in Python (Program flows, packages, methods, and other programming concepts) is a plus

- Web API experience/Knowledge using Angular JS is a plus.

- English communication: intermediate level

- This is not a coding role. More of maintaining existing test code(able to understand ADB logs) and analyzing Failures

- Execute existing automated scripts, automate error analysis and submit error reports, and retest the error parts.

- Make changes to existing automation script code.

- Submit bug reports for functional, regression and black box testing, with good analysis skills/product failure classification skills

- Applicants with Python language knowledge or writing experience are preferred - Applicants with API and experience using Angular JS are preferred

- English communication: Intermediate (Reading Write)

- This is not a software engineer role. Mainly to maintain existing test code (can understand ADB logs) and error analysis

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