Step Up Your Interview Preparation With
Free AI Interview Questions Generator

Generate interview questions regarding background, behavioural, and technical questions based on your resume and job descriptions.
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How It Works


Upload your resume

AI will generate interview questions using your resume and experience as key references. We help you anticipate the unpredictable questions.

Copy and paste the job description

For a more personalized interview experience, simply paste the job description. We'll align it with your resume to generate relevant questions.

Get personalized interview questions

You will get the personalized interview questions, why the questions is important, the framework to answer, and a sample answer.

Generate Interview Questions

We will generate interview questions based on your resume, role and job description.

Frequently Asked Questions
An interview questions generator is a powerful tool designed to streamline the process of creating relevant interview questions for various job roles and industries.
Whether you're a job seeker preparing for your next interview, or a hiring manager looking to improve recruitment process and hire the best talent, the AI technology behind this powerful tool simplifies the daunting task of crafting relevant and insightful interview questions.

Leveraging advanced AI algorithms

By leveraging advanced AI algorithms and comprehensive databases, an ai-powered interview question generator generates a diverse range of right questions that cover essential skills, and work experience pertinent to the position in the job role.
From probing technical expertise to assessing problem-solving skills and cultural fit, these platforms offer a wide array of question categories to ensure a job seeker can be stand out as the perfect candidate amongst the sea of potential candidates for any job interview. This is the best way to impress hiring managers in the hiring process and come up as one of the best candidates in your next interview.

Personalized list of interview questions

Rather than spending hours researching relevant interview questions for your interview preparation process, job seekers can simply input specific job description, and the generator will promptly deliver a curated set of best interview questions tailored to the job title and job description.
The AI Interview Questions Generator is a free tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate relevant interview questions based on your resume and the job you're applying for.

It analyzes your background and work experience

First, it scans your resume to understand your work experience, essential skills, accomplishments, and education. Then, it reviews the job description to identify the specific requirements of the role.

It predicts the types of questions you may face

Using this information, the AI-powered interview question generator uses AI models is able to predict the list of interview questions you're most likely to encounter in a single click - whether they're about your background, behaviour, technical competencies, or work style.
It generates a lists of insightful questions in each category so you can be fully prepared to discuss any area of your experience or qualifications.

The questions are tailored to you and the job role

The artificial intelligence doesn't just generate generic questions - the questions it provides are tailored to you as an individual candidate and the specific job role you're pursuing.
So the set of interview questions a software engineer would receive are quite different from those for a marketing executive. This customised approach helps ensure you'll be ready to impress your hiring managers in your next interview.

You can use the tool again and again

The AI Interview Questions Generator is designed to be used for each new job interview. Just update your resume and input the job description for another role, and the AI technology will provide a fresh new set of right interview questions targeted for that position. With practice, you'll get more comfortable and confident in interviews overall and come off as the top talent
This free AI-based interview preparation tool helps level the playing field so you can go into your interview process armed with the knowledge and poise to land the job. By anticipating the right questions, and practicing your responses, you'll walk in feeling ready to share why you're the perfect candidate in the large talent pools.

Save Valuable Time

Preparing for a job interview can be stressful and time-consuming. An AI-powered interview question generator is a powerful tool can help take some of the guesswork out of the process and ensure you make the most of your preparation time.
Coming up with a list of interview questions on your own and then crafting thoughtful answers for each one requires a major time commitment and is not the best way to prepare for the interview process.
The use of this advanced tool the best way to make the most of your interview preparation time as it automatically generates a tailored set of interview questions based on details from your resume and the specific job description in a single click. You can then focus your efforts on preparing the best responses for the questions that are most likely to come up in your next interview.

Get Consistent, Targeted Questions

Rather than trying to anticipate a wide range of possible interview questions on your own, an AI tool will consistently generate a focused set of questions directly relevant for that position. The relevant interview questions are customized for your background and work experience and the job description listed in the job posting. This helps ensure you can prepare for the types of questions that address the key qualifications and priorities for that role.

Prepare for Different Question Types

An interview questions generator produces a variety of question types, including behavioral questions, background questions, and technical questions for tech roles. This allows you to prepare well-rounded responses to any open-ended questions the interviewer asks.
As a job seeker, preparing for interviews can be stressful and time-consuming. However, with NodeFlair's AI Interview Questions Generator, you'll feel more at ease and ready to nail your next interview. Here are a few reasons why:

100% Free - no account needed

It's completely free to use. As a job seeker, you want to devote your time and money to the actual job search. The AI Interview Questions Generator provides a useful service at no cost, helping you advance your career and land that dream job.

Personalised List of Interview Questions

The generator provides tailored questions based on your unique resume and the specific job description. No more wasting time studying irrelevant questions! The AI reviews your background and the desired qualifications to generate questions and only provide a set of relevant interview questions.

Diverse Set of Interview Questions (background, situational, technical)

The questions span background, situational, and technical areas. Whether you're interviewing for an engineering, business analyst or project manager role, the generator crafts questions that thoroughly assess your fit and qualifications for that job. You'll be ready to share relevant experiences, your work style, strengths, and technical skills.

Answering Tips and Sample Answer

It's not enough to know what's the good interview questions you will be tested on - you need to know how to answer them to stand out from the pool of potential candidates. With NodeFlair AI Interview Questions Generator, you will also receive a set of answering tips and a personalized sample answer that will match the hiring needs.
The AI Interview Questions Generator provides personalized interview questions for your specific job role based on analyzing your resume and the job listing.
For example, if you are applying for the role of a Software Engineer, hereโ€™s an example of the type of questions you might receive, as well as the overview, answer framework and tips, as well as sample answer.


Tell me about a time when you successfully integrated an industry-leading Single Sign-On (SSO) solution and OAuth 2.0 JWT authentication strategy. What challenges did you encounter and how did you overcome them?


Situational questions assess your ability to handle hypothetical scenarios or challenges that may arise in the workplace. These questions aim to understand your decision-making process, problem-solving skills, and how you approach real-world situations.

Answer Framework

Here are some tips on answering this questions:
Establish the context by outlining the initial project requirements and goals.
Highlight the importance of implementing a secure and seamless user authentication process. You can start by saying, 'The project aimed to enhance user experience and security by integrating an industry-leading Single Sign-On (SSO) solution and OAuth 2.0 JWT authentication strategy. This involved establishing a secure authentication mechanism that allowed users to access multiple applications with a single login.'
Describe the challenges you faced during the integration process, focusing on technical complexities, resource constraints, or any unexpected hurdles.
You could mention, 'During the integration, we encountered challenges related to data compatibility, cross-platform compatibility issues, and ensuring adherence to security standards. We also had to work within resource constraints and tight deadlines.'
Emphasize the specific steps, methodologies, or techniques you employed to overcome the challenges. Showcase your problem-solving abilities and technical expertise.
You can say, 'To address these challenges, we utilized a phased approach for integration, ensuring compatibility across different platforms. We conducted rigorous testing and implemented robust security measures to meet compliance standards. Effective communication and collaboration among team members were also key to overcoming these hurdles swiftly.'

Sample Answer

In my previous role at XXX, I steered a critical project to seamlessly integrate an industry-leading single sign-on (SSO) solution and OAuth 2.0 JWT authentication strategy, significantly boosting the user experience. This involved identifying multiple complexities within the Admin portal's existing frontend structure and backend API, which we successfully rectified.
Furthermore, the project entailed optimizing codebase structure in line with Airbnb guidelines, resulting in an enhanced project delivery pace through the implementation of Jest unit tests. Leveraging the capabilities of MongoDB's populate function greatly facilitated data retrieval precision and efficiency.
To further reinforce user engagement and interactivity, we introduced real-time chat functionality using WebSockets, revolutionizing the user experience. The multi-page application was expertly transformed into an interactive single-page application utilizing React.js, leading to an impressive 18% surge in customer engagement.
In pursuit of enhanced operational efficiency, we implemented AWS EC2 for effective server instance management. This project's achievement lies in the successful integration of a comprehensive suite of authentication and authorization solutions, ensuring a secure and user-friendly login experience while optimizing performance and driving meaningful user engagement.
When interviewing for a tech role, you'll likely face a range of interview questions. The AI Interview Questions Generator pulls from your resume and target job role to generate relevant interview questions across three categories:


Background questions explore how you've handled work situations in the past. These questions aim to uncover your problem-solving skills, adaptability, and work ethic.
For example, it may ask:
โ€ข Tell me about your role and responsibilities as a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix, specifically focusing on the project involving building AI models to predict users behaviour.
โ€ข While working as a Marketing Executive at Facebook, you mentioned performing maintenance on projects from different countries. Can you give me an example of a specific project you worked on, the challenges you encountered, and how you overcame them?
โ€ข Tell me more about your role as a entry level Software Engineer at Google. What were your main responsibilities, as well as any difficult situations and successes in that position?


Technical questions test your knowledge and technical competencies for the specific tech role. They may ask about programming languages, systems, or tools listed on your resume or in the job role.
Be ready to explain technical concepts, walk through your understanding of systems, and discuss projects you've worked on.
For example, it may ask:
โ€ข At OpenAi, you mentioned leading the implementation of new solutions for website scaling. Describe the process and highlight the importance of user experience in this context.
โ€ข How would you optimize a website for search engine rankings? Discuss techniques like page loading speed, mobile-friendliness, keyword optimization, internal linking, etc.
โ€ข Discuss a project where you transformed a multi-page application into a single-page application using React.js. Explain the benefits and challenges of this transformation, and highlight the impact it had on customer engagement and user satisfaction.


Situational questions present a hypothetical scenario related to the job and ask how you would respond. These questions evaluate your problem-solving skills, judgment, and ability to think on your feet.
For example:
โ€ข At Microsoft, you described a situation where you had to resolve a conflict or disagreement with a coworker or client. How did you approach the situation, and what was the outcome?
โ€ข At Uber, you built the design team from scratch, growing it from 2 to 8 designers and researchers in just 10 months. Could you share your strategies for discovering and hiring talented individuals and fostering a collaborative and productive team environment?
โ€ข During your time at Tesla, you mentioned mentoring new members and interns. Could you tell me more about a time when you had to manage conflicting priorities or interests between team members with contrasting levels of experience? How did you ensure their expectations were met?
These questions aim to get a sense of your work history and qualifications. Be prepared to discuss your relevant work experience, education, skills, and accomplishments.

Answering Tips

1. Use quantifiable examples, like โ€œIncreased customer satisfaction 25% year over yearโ€ or โ€œReduced costs by $50K annually.โ€
2. Explain the impact and rationale behind your actions.

Example response

Hereโ€™s a sample response to the example above "Tell me about your role and responsibilities as a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix, specifically focusing on the project involving building AI models to predict users behaviour."
In my role as a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix, I was primarily responsible for spearheading a project focused on leveraging AI models to predict user behavior. This initiative was critical in enhancing the personalized recommendation system, ultimately improving user engagement by 15% and a 10% improvement in user retention on the platform - resulting in a $80 million annual revenue boost
My responsibilities included leading a cross-functional team of data scientists, software engineers, and UX designers throughout the project lifecycle. I collaborated closely with stakeholders to define project objectives, identify key metrics for success, and establish a roadmap for implementation.
One of the key aspects of my role was architecting the infrastructure needed to support the artificial intelligence models at scale. This involved designing robust data pipelines, implementing efficient data processing algorithms that performed 30% faster, and optimizing model training and inference processes to ensure real-time performance.
Additionally, I played a hands-on role in developing and fine-tuning the AI models themselves. This included data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning. I also conducted thorough evaluations to validate the accuracy and effectiveness of the models, iterating on them as needed to improve accuracy and performance by 20%.
The STAR method is a structured technique used for answering behavioral interview questions. It stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result.
By structuring your response using the STAR method, you provide the interviewer with a clear and concise narrative that highlights you have the essential skills to handle conflicts effectively and achieve positive outcomes.

Example response using STAR Method

Here's how it works with a concrete example: "Can you describe a time when you had to resolve a conflict within a team?"


"In my previous role as a project manager, we encountered a conflict within the team regarding the allocation of tasks for a critical project."


"My task was to address the conflict promptly to ensure it didn't affect project timelines or team morale negatively."


"First, I scheduled a meeting with all team members involved to understand their perspectives and concerns. Then, I facilitated an open discussion to encourage everyone to express their viewpoints. After identifying the root causes of the conflict, I proposed a revised task allocation plan that took into account each team member's strengths and preferences. I also implemented a regular check-in system to address any emerging issues promptly. Additionally, I provided conflict resolution training to the team to equip them with better communication skills and problem-solving skills."


"As a result of these actions, the team members gained a better understanding of each other's working styles and became more collaborative. The project progressed smoothly, meeting all milestones within the deadline. Moreover, the team reported higher morale and improved communication moving forward, leading to better outcomes in subsequent projects."
These questions evaluate your relevant technical knowledge and skills. Review the specific requirements listed in the job description and be ready to demonstrate your expertise.

Tip 1: Understand the Question

Make sure you fully understand the question before attempting to answer it. Ask for clarification if anything is unclear.

Tip 2: Take Your Time

Don't rush your answer. Take a moment to gather your thoughts and structure your response before diving in.

Tip 3: Clarify Assumptions

If the question seems ambiguous or relies on certain assumptions, clarify those assumptions before proceeding with your answer.

Tip 4: Break Down the Problem

Break the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. This can help you tackle complex questions more effectively.

Tip 5: Communicate Your Thought Process:

Talk through your thought process as you work through the problem. This helps the interviewer understand your approach and provides an opportunity for feedback.

Tip 6: Consider Trade-offs

When discussing potential solutions, consider the trade-offs involved. For example, discuss the pros and cons of different algorithms or data structures.

Tip 7: Use Concrete Examples

Whenever possible, illustrate your points with concrete examples or real-world scenarios. This can make your answers more engaging and easier to understand.

Tip 8: Be Open to Feedback

If the interviewer provides feedback or asks follow-up questions, listen carefully and be open to adjusting your approach if necessary.

Example response

Hereโ€™s a sample response to the example above "How would you transformed a multi-page application into a single-page application using React.js. Explain the benefits and challenges of this transformation, and highlight the impact it had on customer engagement and user satisfaction."

Benefits of Transformation:

1. Enhanced User Experience: By transforming the application into a single-page application (SPA), we can significantly improve the user experience by eliminating page reloads and providing a smoother, more fluid interaction. Users can navigate seamlessly between different sections of the application without experiencing interruptions.
2. Improved Performance: With React.js managing the application state and rendering components efficiently, we will observe a notable improvement in performance. The initial load time decreased, and subsequent interactions within the application were faster due to partial page updates without full refreshes.
3. Streamlined Navigation: Moving to a single-page architecture will allow us to implement dynamic routing within the application. This enables us to create a more intuitive navigation experience, with URL updates reflecting the current application state. Users can also bookmark and share specific views within the application, enhancing accessibility and usability.

Challenges Faced:

1. State Management:Transitioning from a server-driven model to a client-side state management approach posed challenges in maintaining application state consistency, especially in complex workflows. We addressed this by carefully designing our state management strategy using React's context API and libraries like Redux for centralized state management.
2. SEO Considerations: Single-page applications can pose challenges for search engine optimization (SEO) due to the reliance on client-side rendering. To ensure our application remained discoverable, we implemented server-side rendering (SSR) for critical pages and optimized metadata to improve search engine visibility.
3. Codebase Refactoring: Adapting the existing codebase to fit the React.js architecture required significant refactoring efforts. We had to modularize components, refactor existing JavaScript logic into React components, and integrate with third-party libraries and APIs while maintaining backward compatibility with existing features.


The transformation to a single-page application had a profound impact on customer engagement and user satisfaction. We observed:
1. Increased Engagement: Users spent more time interacting with the application, exploring different features and content seamlessly.
2. Higher Retention: The improved user experience led to higher retention rates as users found it easier to navigate and accomplish tasks within the application.
3. Positive Feedback: User feedback indicated a notable improvement in satisfaction levels, particularly regarding performance and usability.
To ace your next job interview, preparation and confidence are key. Here are some tips to help you shine:

Practice your answers

Review common interview questions and practice your answers out loud. Hearing yourself speak the answers will make you more comfortable and confident in the actual interview.

Do your research

Learn as much as you can about the company and role so you can speak knowledgeably about why you're interested in and passionate for the work. Check their website, news, mission, and products to learn more about the company's culture.

Come prepared with questions for the interviewer

Stand out from the pool of potential candidates by asking the hiring managers about the team, role, goals, or work environment. This will also give you valuable information about the company's culture.

Focus on body language

Maintain enthusiastic body language like eye contact, smiles, and leaning forward. This shows your passion and interest. Sit up straight with your shoulders back to project confidence. Offer a firm handshake when meeting your interviewer.

Be on time

Arrive at least 10 to 15 minutes early. This gives you time to get settled and review your notes. Tardiness leaves a poor first impression and adds unnecessary stress.

Follow up appropriately

If you said you'd provide more information or the interviewer requested anything from you, be sure to follow up within a couple days.
You can also send a thank you email or note within 24 hours to reiterate your interest and enthusiasm for the role.
It's normal to feel nervous in an interview, especially if asked a question you're unsure how to answer. The key is to stay calm and be honest while also demonstrating your problem-solving skills.
There are a few good ways to say "I don't know" in an interview:

Ask for clarification

You can ask for clarification by saying something like: "Can you explain the question further or provide more context so I can better understand what you're asking?"
This shows you want to give an accurate response and are willing to ask good follow up questions.

Reframe the question

You can also reframe the question to something you do know the answer to: "I'm afraid I don't have experience with that specific system, but I have worked with similar tools that function in comparable ways."
Explain how the knowledge you do have are relevant and applicable. Interviewers will appreciate your ability to draw connections.

Express your desire to follow up

If completely stumped, don't be afraid to admit uncertainty while expressing your desire to follow up: "I apologize, but I don't currently know the answer to that. However, I'm very interested in finding out and would be happy to research this topic further and get back to you."
Follow through and send the information within a day or two. Your enthusiasm and persistence will be viewed positively.
NodeFlair AI Interview Questions Generator is a free web-based tool that generates interview questions tailored to your resume and the job role you're applying for.
Unlike paid options where features are limited or you have to pay to access more questions, this generator provides an unlimited number of interview questions without the need to create a free account.
An excellent free tool for preparing for job interviews is NodeFlair AI Interview Questions Generator. This AI-powered web app is the go-to resource during your interview preparation.
NodeFlair uses AI models to analyze the technical competencies and experience listed in your resume, as well as the specific requirements of the role. It then generates a wide range of potential interview questions focused on your background, behavioral traits, and any technical skills needed for the role. The questions provides cover common areas like your work experience, strengths, weaknesses, career goals, problem-solving approach, analytical thinking skill and more.
For tech roles in particular, NodeFlair generate effective questions to test your knowledge of programming languages, frameworks, tools, and other technologies listed as requirements. This helps ensure you feel confident in your ability to discuss both sought-after soft skills and hard technical competencies that are relevant for the position. Using AI models, we are able to generate a high volume of questions, providing you with deeper insights and many more examples than youโ€™d typically find from a generic list of interview questions.
With AI tools like the AI Interview Questions Generator, you can optimize your interview preparation. This free tool generates common interview questions based on your resume and the job listing. Having a list of potential questions in advance helps you prepare thoughtful answers and avoid being caught off guard during the actual interview.
However, AI models cannot directly answer questions for you or join you in the interview. The technology is not advanced enough to respond dynamically to interviewers or have a back-and-forth conversation. AI tools can only provide general guidance. You still need to practice your answers, use examples from your relevant experience, and ask clarifying questions. While AI-generated interview questions are helpful for interview preparation, you must be ready to discuss the topics in your own words.
During the interview, avoid relying on or directly quoting the AI-suggested questions and answers. Interviewers want to get to know you and how you think on your feet. Repeating scripted responses comes across as disingenuous and fails to demonstrate your authentic communication skills. Use the AI tool as a starting point, but customize your answers based on what you know will resonate most with the interviewer and company culture.
Discuss how your values and work experience align with the companyโ€™s priorities and company's culture. Share relevant stories and quantify your key wins. Ask thoughtful questions about growth opportunities and company vision. An artificial intelligence can point you in the right direction, but you must steer the conversation and close the deal. With practice and interview preparation, you can leverage AI technology to build confidence while still being your authentic self. The combination of human experience and AI-augmented technology may just land you that dream job.
While ChatGPT can be useful for familiarizing yourself with common interview questions and practicing responses, it may not be the best tool for fully preparing for a job interview.
In short, ChatGPT is a useful supplement for interview practice, but for the best results, focus your preparation on the custom questions and advice from a specialized interview tool.

Not a specialised tool

ChatGPT is great for casual conversation and can help strengthen your communication skills through back-and-forth dialogue. However, it is not specialized for the job interview process. The types of questions and optimal answers during an interview require a more focused tool.

Questions generated not relevant to your resume and job description

That's where a tool like AI Interview Questions Generator comes in. This tool generates customized lists of interview questions based on your unique resume and the specific job you're applying for. It provides tailored questions and suggested responses for background, behavioral, and technical interviews.
Rather than generic questions, AI Interview Questions Generator gives you questions that your actual interviewers are likely to ask. The tool helps you anticipate what the interviewers want to know about your relevant experience, soft skills, technical abilities, and how you'd fit the role. You can then practice responding to these targeted questions, refining your answers to highlight your key qualifications.

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Interview Preparation Illustration

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