Singapore's new work pass to attract talent: Which are the jobs that pay $30,000 or more a month?

The Straits Times

September 11, 2022

Original Source

The new Overseas Networks and Expertise (One) Pass for top foreign professionals has a criterion of $30,000 in fixed monthly salary.

But what are the jobs that pay that much?


The figure dwarfs even the $21,000 earned by someone just within the top 10 per cent of software engineering manager wages in tech salary portal NodeFlair's database, which includes salaries verified through payslips.

NodeFlair co-founder Adrian Goh said roles that hit $30,000 include principal or lead software engineers at top tech firms like TikTok and Amazon Web Services.

He added: "However, the $30,000 salaries fall on the higher end of the salary range of the job postings by these companies.

"If we take the average of the ranges, they fall below $30,000 too."