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Matrix Research Limited is the authentic supplier of Access Control and Smart Building with IoT applications to corporations around the globe. From its inception in 2003, ACX was created with one ambition which is to design a world-class access control system that is highly secured with innovative design and cutting-edge technology. ACX has been leading in Mobile Virtual Card technology and Multi-factor Authentication by me­ans of Bluetooth, Scrambled QR code, Palm Vein, Fingerprint, Facial Recognition, RFID Card Access, NFC and Octopus Card. We also provide valuable Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) services and Customization to our customers upon request. Our trustworthy partners include NXP, Milestone, LEGIC, Fujitsu, Boonedam, Sensetime, Face++ and Octopus. 
Mass of people worldwide everyday use ACX products and services to access different doors, venues and facilities securely. Through ACX’s technology, various things can be easily identified and verified. Our loyal customers include property developers, government bodies, commercial & residential buildings, casinos, financial institutions, schools and hospitals. Supporting all users to work and live in a secured and reliable environment. 
We continue delivering the most advanced and innovative solutions to the market, delivering trusted products to our customers, enhancing the entire end user experience. ​Since 2019, we have produced the X series multi-technology access reader which can support Bluetooth, Scrambled QR code, Palm Vein, Facial Recognition, RFID Card and NFC. For the software aspect, with ACX unique Cloud Based Virtual Credential Platform, users can receive virtual credentials via ACX mobile app and enable mobile secure identity.
ACX is the brand of Matrix Research Limited.
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