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World Scientific Publishing
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51-200 globally
World Scientific Publishing Company was established in 1981 with only five employees in a tiny office. Today, the company employs more than 200 staff at its headquarters in Singapore, and has offices in New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, Taipei, Chennai, Beijing and Shanghai. In less than three decades, it has established itself as one of the leading scientific publishers in the world, and the largest international scientific publisher in the Asia-Pacific region.

Annually, World Scientific publishes about 500 titles a year and 120 journals in various fields. Many of its books are recommended texts adopted by renowned institutions such as Harvard University, California Institute of Technology and Princeton University.

Among the company's notable successes was its being awarded the exclusive rights in 1991 by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm to publish (in English) the entire series of Nobel lectures from 1971 to 1990 and to distribute them worldwide. Subsequently, World Scientific again obtained the rights to publish the complete series of Nobel lectures delivered from 1901 to 2000.

In 1995, World Scientific co-founded the London-based Imperial College Press with London University's Imperial College. The Press publishes mainly in the fields in which Imperial College itself is particularly well-known, such as Engineering, Medicine, Information Technology, Environmental Technology, and Management Sciences. Imperial College Press has published about 400 books and 8 journals to date.
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