Android Engineer

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Job Summary

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Tech Stacks
Kotlin Flow Retrofit Coroutines play Glide OkHttp Flow MVVM RxJava Java Android Kotlin

Job Description

In this role, you have an opportunity for significant impact through your ability to increase developer efficiency and product quality through your work. You’ll play an impactful role to build mobile-first experiences Apps.

Key Responsibilities

● Collaborate with Product Managers, Designers, and Backend Engineers to design and deliver high-quality products on Android.

● Build end-to-end features of the app: networking, persistence, business logic, and UI

● Build efficient and reusable mobile components and architect reliable and scalable mobile solutions.

● Identify areas of improvement and advocate for mobile best practices.

● Analyze and optimize UI and infrastructure application code for quality, efficiency, and performance

Our Stack

● Android Architecture Components and Android KTX

● MVVM with Clean Architecture

● Language: Kotlin, Java

● Dependency Injection(DI): Hilt

● Reactive Programming: RxJava, Kotlin Flow

● Network: Retrofit, OkHttp, Protocol buffers

● Asynchronous or non-blocking programming: RxJava, Coroutines

● Image loading library: Glide

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