Android Developer

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Pizza Hut Digital & Technology

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Job Summary

Job Type


Years of Experience
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Tech Stacks
Android SDK Rest API Android Studio Git Java Android Kotlin

Job Description

Job Description:

  • Conceptualizing and formulating apps that are suitable for use on all types of Android devices
  • Implementing measures to safeguard users data
  • Ensuring that the construction and presentation of your apps are congruent with the company's standart
  • Collaborating with UI and UX Designers, as well as Software Testers, to ensure that each app is presentable and in perfect working order
  • Monitoring apps reviews to detect areas for improvement
  • Creating and deploy apps updates, including bug fixes and additional features for release


  • Degree in software development, computer science or similar
  • Having good knowledge in Java and Kotlin
  • Familiarity with RESTful APIs to connect Android applications to back-end services
  • Familiarity with cloud message APIs and push notifications
  • Ability to use the Android Studio, including the Android SDK with ease
  • Having good knowledge of code versioning tools, such as Git
  • Ability to manage your workload with minimal supervision
  • Unwavering curiosity

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