Android Developer

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Job Summary

Job Type


Years of Experience
4-6 years

Tech Stacks
Android SDK Koin Coroutines MVVM Gradle Android Kotlin JSON

Job Description

Benefit upon this position

o Bonus review bi-annually based on performance
o Bonus for excellent project performance
o Annually company trip & project close team outing
o Additional health care policy for employees
o Healthcare: Annual health check-up, Premium Health Insurance (Trustify Care)
o 100% salary in probation time


A. Software Development

o Build the appearance and user-interface of digital platforms, ensuring a seamless digital interface from a customer’s point of view.
o Be responsible for the digital platform’s user-facing code and the architecture of the user experience, working closely with designers to bring wireframes from development to delivery
o Collaborate with back end developers and UI/UX designers to improve usability.
o Actively provide recommendations and codified solutions to influence the design of the platform.
o Be responsible for determining the structure and design of web pages, striking a balance between functional and aesthetic design and ensuring the web design is optimized for mobile pages
o Maintain and constantly improve website developed while optimizing application for smooth application usage.
B. Software Documentation

o Work closely with tribe and squad members to translate business requirements into technical design documents.
o Review and implement technical requirement documents by coding flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments and guides for the program.


o 4 to 6 years of Android or Kotlin development
o Have published at least one original Android app
o Experience with Android SDK, Kotlin
o Experience with MVVM, DI Koin, Kotlin coroutines, Component lifecycle
o Experience with Android Navigation component, Fragments and single Activity architecture
o Experience with custom view, custom theme, touch handling, keyboard handling
o Experience with remote data via REST and JSON, data encryption/decryption
o Experience with Gradle build tool, obfuscation
o Experience with third-party libraries and APIs
o Experience with Kotlin test and unit testing

Contact to apply

o Trustify Technology JSC.
o Contact HR Dept. via email: [email protected];

o Head Office: 40/4 Lam Son, Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., HCMC

o Web:

o Working time: 9.00 AM – 6.00 PM Monday – Friday


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